Gurdwara Baba Zorawar Singh Ji Baba Fateh Singh Ji

This is the first Gurdwara in the west to be named in remembrance of the martyrdom of Baba Zorawar Singh Ji and Baba Fateh Singh Ji on 26th of December 1706. They were the youngest sons of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, who laid the foundations of the Sikh faith and the principle by which Sikhism thrives today

Why lose your faith to save your life?
Faith lives with you, even after you die

The Sikh Society of Milton Keynes (SSMK) was formed in 1979 and was registered as a non-profit making Charity in 1982 (Registration No 284603). The aims were to provide a much needed religious, cultural, social and educational service for the Sikh community in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas.

In the early years the Sikh Community started holding monthly congregations in a hired community hall to satisfy their religious, spiritual and social needs. The frequency of the services increased to weekly as the demand and members of the congregation grew. On prominent Sikh festival days in the calendar year school halls used to be hired to accommodate the significant increase in the congregation.
In 1982 SSMK embarked upon a search for land to build a purpose built Gurdwara to cater for the needs of the Sikh community in the short and long term as Milton Keynes expanded. The number of Sikh families in Milton Keynes and immediate (10 mile radius) catchments then totalled approximately 150. The current figures are in the region of 300 families and increasing as Milton Keynes expands.

The first application for the land for the Gurdwara was made to the Milton Keynes Development Corporation (MKDC) in 1982. It took over ten years of difficult and strenuous negotiations with MKDC to finally obtain the land at Leadenhall (Off V6 Grafton Street). An offer was made in 1987 and was subject to the approval of the design and development proposals.
The design was finally approved in October 1990. The purchase of the two 2.22 acres land with a development area of 2 acres was secured at a special rate as land designated for community use. The purchase price of £50,000 was raised by the local Sikh community. SSMK signed the Land Development Agreement in April of 1991 and took possession of the site in April of 1992.

Since 1992 the Milton Keynes community had been contributing to a stop start self-build program to build a Gurdwara and Community Centre in two phases, phase 1 and phase 2 respectively and despite the best endeavours by the committees over the years there was no deliverable in site. The condition upon which the original land agreement had been signed stated that the first phase of the building project was to be completed by 2005. This date was re-negotiated in November 2004 for an extension up to 2009 and if the first phase was not completed by then, then MKDC would take the land back.
The committee elected in April 2005 resolved to have a full review of the project and spend to date. The original design was too grand in the scheme of things and was in excess of the community needs. It had become apparent in a short space of time that without a loan the first phase of project could not be delivered. An eleven step project plan was put in place that led up to the redesigning of the steel structure that was standing in 2005, resubmission of planning approval and tendering for the build project.
After a successful tendering, the program of works was started in September 2006 with a completion date of July 2007. Due to inclement weather the project had been set back by 4 months and will finally be completed in November 2007.

The Gurdwara was officially opened on the 4th of November 2007 by Sant Baba Jagjit Singh Ji Harkowal wale and accommodates approximately 450 worshippers whilst the community kitchen/ dining hall which is open to all accommodates 200+ people in any one sitting.

The building was redesigned by Sutton and Wilkinson Architects and boasts some of the most modern design features in terms of space, light, heating and energy efficiency. Theoretically there are usually three elements to any successful build project, on time, within budget and aesthetically pleasing but in reality usually one element gives way.
We are pleased that although the project ran late the end result has been well received; the building you now stand in has been the result of generous contributions from the Sikh community within Milton Keynes as well as supporters from outside.

Main Entrance

The main entrance at the front of the building is used by members of the congregation, employees, visitors and working staff to enter the Gurdwara building. The Entrance Lobby is the area where all shoes are removed and heads are covered. The toilet facilities are also situated in this area. There are two sets of double doors that lead directly into the Langar Hall and to the right or left there is access to the Main Diwan on the first floor. In the centre of the right stair well there is a lift service for those who find it difficult to negotiate the stairs.


Group visits are arranged by prior arrangements, however all visitors are welcome at all times. When entering the building all shoes must be removed and safely placed in the shoe cabinets provided and heads must be covered at all times. The Host is responsible to make their visitors aware of the building emergency procedures including emergency exits and fire assembly points.

Disabled Facilities

The ground floor entrance lobby has a disabled toilet with an emergency alarm fitted in the event of an emergency situation. The best policy is not to panic and help will be organized immediately. Please ensure that you inform the Prabhandak committee of any visitors you have that may have special needs or require assistance, so that appropriate arrangements can be made in the event of an emergency evacuation and parking requirements.

Transport (Taxis, Buses, Trains)

From Central MK Rail Station the Gurdwara is a 5 minute taxi ride or 30 minute walk, just follow signs towards Oldbrook and Leadenhall. From M1 Junction 14 take exit marked Milton Keynes city centre from either slip road from both northerly and southerly directions. Proceed along H6 Childs Way following the dual carriageway until you reach V6 Grafton Street roundabout. From here take a left and drive to the next round about, go straight over the roundabout and the Gurdwara is located immediately in front on the left hand side. Milton Keynes train station – for details of train times contact: 08457 484950 For Taxi service call: Speedline on 01908 260 260 The no 39 bus from City Centre bus stop Q3 will bring you direct to Leadenhall

Congregation Members/Visitors Parking

Please drive slowly on the Gurdwara premises and park in the open spaces at the front or rear of the building Leave parking spaces clear near to the main entrance for the disabled Please note that, all vehicles parked are at the owner’s risk.

Overnight Parking

If you plan to leave your vehicle in the Gurdwara car park overnight, prior approval must be sought from the Prabhandak Committee.

Main Hall

The main Dharbar is a large spacious brightly lit hall. With it spectacular windows arrangement at either end of the hall, this is where all the sangat can sit and contemplate on HIS Grace

The hall is approximately 21x21m (WxL) in size and can easily accommodate up to 900 seated sangat.

There is also a state-of-the-art audio system installed, which can deliver up to 1000W of audio power so that the sangat seated right the back of the hall can clearly hear all of the recitation clearly

Two large OHP projectors are ceiling mounted and linked to the internet that provides an audio/visual broadcast for the up-to-date programme information.

We make every effort to translate all Shabads narrated on the day into its English translation. We see this has a huge benefit for our younger generation to understand and make that crucial connection with spirituality.

Every Sunday our Giani recites the Hukamnama of the day and then offers its translation for the benefit of non-Punjabi speaking audience

Weddings and other Sikh functions are booked and conducted throughout the week, so please contact our committee members shown on Contact page to book your functions and we will do all our best to accommodate and conduct your function as smoothly as possible

Top Hall

This hall is also named after Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s eldest sons, Baba Ajit Singh and Baba Jujhar Singh.

This occupies approximately 14x6m (WxL) area and is available for smaller functions and meetings. With its ample windows openings within the room, it is well lit and full of sunshine whenever the British weather permits.

There are all the necessary facilities such as makeshift table and chairs, which can be arranged within this room as required. With the state of the art LCD screen for visual aid, it is currently used as teaching area for Sunday Punjabi classes. On weekend this hall is filled with children, who use it as a play area and get together. The Gurdwara committee also tend to hold its annual meetings within this room.

Recently the Gurdwara is also offering a new service called “Match Making” where help is offered with assistance for a matrimonial match making within the Gurdwara. This helps to promote opportunity where Sikh girls and boys meet up with an opportunity for a lifetime match. This hall is turned into that crucial meeting place for those potential matches!

Langar Hall

Conveniently located on the ground floor and towards the front you will find a modern kitchen serving all of the Gurdwara Sangat

We can cater for all occasions i.e. Weddings, Path or simple Blessings arranged by families

Within the main kitchen there are all modern stainless steel work surfaces for the cooking area and a state of the art kitchen which can cater to a large number of people.

The kitchen facilities are kept clean and hygienic and self-maintained by devotees who prepare and cater for the Langar (meals).

The Langar is served in harmony to our Guru's wishes where everyone is welcomed and served free

The food can be served directly from the centrally placed kitchen area into a large Langarhall

Inside there is ample space which can serve large marriage parties. Further space is available at the back of the Gurdwara for a marquee to be erected and hold even larger gatherings

In the main Langar hall, facilities are provided for sit-down floor mats or use of tables and chairs for our elderly Sangat

Adjoining the Langar hall there are numerous hand wash basin located close by with hot-air or towel drying facilities

Free literature and books are on offer for the Sangat to take with them and this is located on the left hand side and just next to the exit door of the Langar hall.

On the right hand side of the exit doors you can find out our latest news pinned on the notice board. You will find information here about the current monthly programme, costing on booking of the Gurdwara functions, kids programme and all

However you can equally find this and more of this information throughout this website

If the internal sitting area is not enough for your gathering then we have ample of space for yourselves to hire and erect a substantial marquee just behind the kitchen area


Enjoy our gallery of photos that has captured the work from start to finish
We are so proud and humbled by the kindness of donations and thankful to all who are helping in making Our Gurdwara so Beautiful


No Gurdwara is complete without Domes and this project was initated with the funds collected from East Africa. The Sangat came together and donated to raise the required shortfall to deliver this project.
The Sangat of Milton Keynes is proud of thier Gurdwara and constantly focuses on outstanding projects required to enhance this magnificent building even further

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Car Park

Once upon a time it was just a dream...

The committe embarked on this project having faith in the community that it could raise a significant amount of cash.
The passion and drive to deliver this project was funded by the generosity of the Sangat from within Milton Keynes and much further afield.
This dream was fulfilled in June 2015 and now provides ample car parking facilities for approx. 200 vechiles and designated coach parking.
May WaheGuru bless all those and thier families who kindly donated to this project and bless them with good health and happiness always

A memory for our next generation to take care and cherish….

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Punjabi Lessons

The Gurdwara offers free Punjabi classes every Sunday and anyone and everyone is welcome to join.

A lot of the children attending, usually come from a background that do not even speak the language at home, which imposes quite a challenge to get them not only to read but also start speaking fluent Punjabi as a new language.

The course is prepared such that it is in-line with the teaching curriculum and gives a great starting opportunity for the children as it also recognised by the respected schools that the children attend.

The course is tailored to cater for either basic or advance level students and the group is appropriately broken up into these two sections however all students are still seated within the same room, so the children feel comfortable to interact with other children.

The teaching also caters for children with special needs and was accredited by EMASS about 2years ago. Therefore appropriate methods are adapted to suit individuals that require this extra attention.

The Punjabi classes held every Sunday from 11-12pm and offered as free-of-charge.

The classes are offered to students starting as early as 4year and onwards and also offered to adults wishing to either brush up or learn their mother tongue or learn for the first time are equally welcomed.

The gathering can vary from time to time due to holidays, etc. however currently there are approximately 15 children and 3adults who attend on regular basis.

Sukhpreet Kaur Lotey, Harvind Singh is volunteers who also help out and started out learning from these courses. Anyone interested should contact Mrs Jisbeer Kaur Lotey at the Gurdwara

Tabla Lessons

The Gurdwara provides tabla lessons to whoever is interested in learning this art. The classes are run by Balkar Singh and he is the point of contact.

These classes are held for 1hour duration, every Sunday from 2pm onwards, however at times it can go on for longer period, depending upon the lessons of the day

Currently the group is around 10 pupils and growing, however an average of 6 pupils tend to turn up depending upon their own commitments.

The tabla lessons are provided in both Solo and Classic form and depending upon skills and practise put in, students can within 4 years, become an expert

For the younger starters, it is recommended that they have reached a minimum age of 8years and upwards to start grasping this art of tabla playing.

Gatka Lessons

Gatka is an ancient martial art, which has been thoroughly battle-tested and has existed in northern India for many thousands of years. It is considered a spiritual as well as a physical exercise.

The basic classes of this ancient art are provided every Thursday from 6-8pm at the Gurdwara and held in the open halls downstairs.

Anyone interested should contact the Gatka instructor Jasmeet Kaur on 077929 12140 for further information.

Gurdwara Information

Please click on the links below for detailed information on each subject listed


--> Sukhmani Sahib and langar seva bookings

--> Gurdwara Seva Form

--> SSMK Constitution

Sukhmani Sahib and langar seva bookings

  • Please check with kitchen staff regarding langar ingredient quantities.
  • Langar preparation will be done the day before. For Sunday programs, there are teams to help you. For any other day, you will need to agree with the above sevadaars, how you will do this preparation. Please make provision for your own sevadaars
  • Please be aware you are booking to undertake seva and as such, it would be customary and good practice to provide sevadaars for the kitchen on the day. There are regular sevadaars that will help you and guide you with this
    This seva will include:-
    • Serving langar
    • Washing up and cleaning all trays, cups and saucepans, large and small
    • Tidying and cleaning the kitchen after the program has ended
    • Tidying and cleaning the langar hall after the program, including removal of balloons etc. Please ensure the hall has been swept up
  • Please ensure any cakes and sweets brought into the Gurdwara are egg-free and vegetarian
  • Please advise if you would like to contribute towards a ramala at a cost of £11. We no longer accept outside donations of ramalas for environmental reasons
  • Guests must cover their head throughout
  • We do not permit photo booths or outside ‘entertainment’ in the langar hall
  • The projector operator sevadaars are only available on Sundays

  • Kindly leave the Gurdwara Sahib how you found it